Friday, July 30, 2010


According to the Portland Mercury magazine, urban chickens were the pet trend of 2009 (the new trend for 2010, apparently, is urban goats). Granted, I'm fashionably late on this one, but I've wanted chickens for, like, as long as I can remember. That counts for something, right?

Artamis, Deborah, and Troute joined our family in April.

They fit right in.

After living in my bathroom for 6 weeks they moved to the Hancock's backyard. They survive there 'til this day, just waiting until they can supply me with homegrown, fresh and tasty eggs!

Pictured on right side, their new chicken coup (what, you think that this is just an excuse to show off Sam? I would never do that!)


Melanie said...

I'd rather look like I was a follower of trends than be the first one and considered crazy!

Susan-M- said...

At the camp where I worked this summer we had 5 chickens. I've fallen in love with them. Ours were skittish and not very cuddly, but they were fun regardless, and the eggs were delicious!